"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, wherby we must be saved."  Acts 4:12

I can remember back, before I found Christ as my Lord and Saviour, I myself did not feel or see the need for a Saviour.  I can remember as I puffed on a joint looking up at the stars thinking, "God!? Ha, no way is there this all powerful being that knows all, religion is for  fools! People that go to church say we are not facing reality!? They are the ones not facing reality, this is reality." I was a drug trafficker, as well as a user of many of them, I drank and partied like people go to work, I cussed worse then a drunken sailor, and people thought that I, and those I worked with, we were it. We were Icons. And this in my mind was the reality that many refused to face. This was life.

Then one day I found myself in church, very much against my own will. As I sat there listening to this preacher insult me, as it seemed to me, he began to talk about sin. How sin was the root cause of all of man's troubles and woes, and how God in his divine love for us sent his Son Jesus to redeem us. For the first time in my life it began to make sense. Though we all are told how Christ came to this earth to save us, the point behind it had never been clear. Why I needed a Saviour. I had broken God's law and was destined for Hell, it hit me like a brick. I sat in my seat and thought, "Oh man." And though in that moment, when God had revealed His word to me, and though a sinner extended His loving arms out to me, the only thing I could think of was, "I got to get out of here."

But God, in his mercy and love for the wretch that I was, had a different plan. As I got up to leave this place as fast as I could, I never made it past the doors leaving the sanctuary. The pastor's wife was standing there, I have no clue how she got there so fast, but there she was. I began to cry and weep like I have never done before in her arms.
She directed me to the altar, where all I could do was cry, cry, and cry some more. The pastor then came to where I was kneeling and rebuked the spirits of darkness that had a hold of my life, my lips were free and all I could say was, "Jesus forgive me, Jesus forgive me, please forgive me." I asked Christ into my heart and to my life, to help me never again take my foot off this path that I now set forth in. And in that moment, Christ forgave me, He washed away my sins with that  precious blood that flowed down from Calvary. I arose from that altar, feeling lighter, happier, and for the first time in my life with hope. I was a new creature in Christ Jesus, I was born again.

So the point in this, a short testimony of my conversion, is this. That Christ came to give you life, and to give it to you more abundantly. It is not His wish that you should perish on this road that you are on. He does not want you to feel lost, hopeless, and undone. He wants to complete you. So if you are searching, if you are desiring for something more in this life. I beckon you to call on Jesus, He is not far away up in the heavens or in the earth beneath. He is standing by your side with out stretched hands saying, "Come my child, come and I will give you rest, I will give you that which your souls does thirst for."


It is simple friend, if you so desire to be saved. It is not a fancy dance of words that one must say. But simply this, "Father, I am a sinner, and Lord even now I accept that blood sacrifice that you made for me 2,000 years ago on Calvary's cross. Forgive me, I ask you Lord to come into my life, my heart, and my home. Make me clean and help me to follow after you from this day forward, Amen."

That is all it takes friend, if you prayed that prayer with sincerity, YOU are now a child of the King, washed in the blood on the Lamb, Born Again from above, and on your way to Glory!!

If you have prayed this prayer and given your life to Christ,
We would like to hear about it.
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